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New energy period 9, for 2024-2044

   The year 2024 and our personal year - the energetic umbrella of the year of prosperity will be able to be reached through the vibration of our personal year this year, defining the path to be followed!!!

Previziunile Lunii Decembrie 2023

Previziunile Lunii Noiembrie 2023

Previziunile Lunii Octombrie 2023

Previziunile Lunii Septembrie 2023

Predictions for the month of May

The year 2023 and our personal year, the energetic umbrella of the year, will teach us how experiences and wisdom help us evolve, and our personal year will set the tone for the year!!!

Guide to Enhancing or Avoiding Certain Energies in the Home/Office in 2023


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A personalized analysis of astrology or numerology will reveal essential information about yourself, relationships with others, and guide you in making the best choices for your future.
