About me

+40 733 926 992


I am a specialized astrologer in Western astrology, Chinese metaphysics (Chinese astrology and feng shui), and numerology.

The multiple areas of interest and specializations help me have a comprehensive perspective and provide you with detailed information to support you in every moment of your life, in any field.

For me, this journey began with a passion for the esoteric realm, which I was drawn to since childhood. When I first learned the basics of astrology, I instinctively started asking about the zodiac sign of the person I was talking to or even attempting to "guess" it. It was essential for me to discover traits that would allow me to understand the structure of the person in front of me.

I then read extensively, everything I could find: specialized studies and editorials, books, international online resources, both on Western astrology, Chinese metaphysics, and numerology.

Being trained as an economist, with a degree from the ASE (Academy of Economic Studies), and working as an economic analyst, I developed my career within international corporations. However, I have also practiced astrology extensively in my free time, satisfying the curiosities of my colleagues. The training and experience as an analyst still support me today in the methodology I use for astrological and numerological reports.

In the past ten years, I have attended training courses in Western astrology and numerology, becoming a professional astrologer and numerologist.

I have pursued advanced courses in Chinese metaphysics, becoming a Feng Shui specialist and a Paht Chee specialist in Romania. I have individually studied Chinese metaphysics practiced by various international masters from Malaysia.

I believe it is important to understand that these vast sciences are interpretive: a good astrologer is not only a skilled technician but also someone who receives messages through mediums or channeling, with the mission to transmit a specific message to the interlocutor in that moment. A good astrologer is the one who delivers a prediction that proves to be accurate, but their role is to provide you with information that helps you make the best choices for your life.

”Our thoughts are our most precious energy and gift, and the choices we make with our thoughts define our lives!”

Nicoleta Ghiriș


Schedule a session

A personalized analysis of astrology or numerology will reveal essential information about yourself, relationships with others, and guide you in making the best choices for your future.


"Informatia înseamnă putere. Puterea înseamnă control.

Understanding the past and glimpsing the innate potential are the tools you have gifted me, my dear Nicoleta, to utilize my free will in taking control of my own life.



Meeting Nicoleta was not purely coincidental. On a soul level, I feel that we knew each other for a long time, so it was a reunion with a dear person for me. I resonated with the information received and learned many interesting things I wouldn't have reached otherwise. Everything she told me touched my soul, and the suggested remedies (which I hold dear and find useful) resonated with me. And above all, I hold dear Nicoleta, who is a wonderful person. She helped me understand myself better and view life differently, assimilating its intricacies. I wholeheartedly recommend her.

May it be beneficial and reach as many wonderful people as possible, whom you can guide just as you guided me.


As nothing in life happens by chance, Nicoleta appeared in my life like a breath of fresh air when I was in great need. Under her guidance, through the advice and remedies she recommended, I have accomplished things that I never believed I could. I can confidently turn to her at any time, as she is an empathetic and wonderful person with genuine knowledge in everything she does. Thank you very much for everything!


I highly recommend the astrological consulting done by Nico. She is a wonderful woman and a very passionate astrologer. From her, I have learned, and I am grateful, about the appropriate remedies and much more. I have acquired many remedies and I can tell you that they are truly wonderful and they actually work, they can bring balance to your life. If you want to discover everything about your life, she is the solution!


Your predictions and advice have helped me tremendously over the past years, but especially in the recent months. I feel very fortunate to have met you!


Getting to know Nicoleta, I somehow discovered my life! In the multitude of information, I found out that I can pursue those things I knew I was capable of, but had set aside due to lack of confidence. With her help, I have embarked on my true path in this life.

For me, the information received is immensely valuable. I simply feel like a new person after the two hours spent with her. Nicoleta is an extraordinary individual in every aspect! I will definitely stay in touch with her in the future, both for myself and my family. I wholeheartedly recommend her!


Întâlnirea cu Nicoleta Ghiriș a fost întâlnirea cu un Înger care îți schimbă în bine viața. Întâlnirea cu un astrolog care îți atinge sufletul și îți vindecă rănile vechi. Citind și calculând mișcările în stele imi vorbea despre viața mea trecută, prezentă și viitoare cu o claritate și o profunzime greu de explicat. Lucrez în lumea metafizicii și conștientizam că se întâmpla ceva ...ceva minunat. Trăiam o experiența unică cu parfum divin, nu comercial.

Abia a doua zi după ce am plecat de la ea am realizat că această doamnă minunată are un har special: de a-ți lumina viața în 24 h.


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Conference guest speaker, workshops and corporate events


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