To be or not to be... Eva, focus on relationships and how we can save them.

imageIt is easy to understand that we live in a society where relationships are important to all of us. However, what I observe is a violation of some basic principles within them. Let's take, for example, the relationship between heterosexual spouses or partners. We loudly proclaim that we are unhappy in a relationship, and I'm sure that might be the case. It is possible that we are attracted to a mirror person who gives us the opportunity to balance certain energies that we don't like in the other person, energies that we ourselves possess without being aware of it. But where we start to make mistakes and are harshly criticized is when we fail to attempt self-discovery in order to begin understanding.

We often skim over articles or writings on this topic, or perhaps we claim to understand, but in the next second, we fail to apply anything we have understood.

This is my personal opinion on relationships, and I have no problem if you don't share it. We look at a natal chart and observe that a person possesses yang energy in their chart, and due to this, we conclude, as shared by that person, that they act according to this masculine principle. The problem lies in balancing this principle, and if that person is a woman, it becomes twice as difficult to understand and act in a way that successfully balances the impulses that stem from this energy.

Deseori observ in relații, cum noi femeile declaram, ca suntem nefericite si in umila mea părere suntem nefericite,  pentru ca încălcăm principiile acestei lumi. Suntem lăsați sa relaționam corect si anume, unul dupa principiul yin iar altul dupa principiul yang. Din popor se spune, daca un cuplu nu se intelege,  "maica sunt ca doua săbii intr-o teaca". Ce vrea sa spună aceasta inteligenta din popor, pai exact ce trebuie noi sa ințelegem si anume, sa nu încălcăm aceste principii.

From the beginning, I want to make it clear that I am not a feminist, nor will I ever be. I understand the strengths and weaknesses of both men and women, and I am even happy when I come across couples who respect the proportions of yin and yang energies.

If you are a woman and completely unhappy in your relationship, I urge you to introspect and analyze where you might be making mistakes, without expecting all the unhappiness to be caused by the other person. Check your reactions, which often exceed the boundary of the energy you came here for.

We are not women or men in our lives by chance. So, why not try to understand this energy that we came here for? If you are a woman and you possess yang energy, then don't expect your partner, who is inherently yang, even if he may choose not to express it, to feel invaded by you, the one who wants to take his place in the relationship (perhaps without realizing it).

Dragii mei, se nu uitam  "daca viata îți ofera o lămâie, fa o limonadă cu ea". Am mai spus si o repet, asteptările omoară orice relație, luați ce aveți nevoie din aceasta si mergeți mai departe. Daca insa esti femeie si trăiești langa un bărbat care este agresiv, energia yang manifestându-se la extrem, incearcă sa intelegi, ca acea oglinda poate reflecta ceva, ce tu deții in interiorul tau, o agresivitate înăbușita, ce trebuie înțeleasa de tine.  Nu spun ca este normal, sa trăim asa ceva. Alegerea este a fiecăruia. Ceea ce trebuie sa intelegem, este ca noi suntem cei, ce trebuie sa echilibram lucrurile, sa nu ne așteptăm la celălalt, sa o facă. Daca noi am ales, sa încălcăm principiul primordial si energia, pe care am decis, sa o lăsam, sa ne guverneze existența asta, atunci asta este plata.

Women's emancipation and the consideration of equality in rights are things that have brought or can bring us independence, which is important. It is good to be equal in attending the same schools, holding the same positions in society, and so on. An independent woman is free to choose how her life unfolds, not constrained by material or other limitations that force her to coexist because there is no other way to survive.

Asistam in ultima vreme la o cerere pe "piața relatiilor" a femeilor puternice, insa nu intelegem, ca in mintea celor ce aleg asa ceva, salasluieste doar gandul catre independența, gandul de a avea o femeie, ce nu depinde intru-totul de părerile acestora si atat. Bărbatul care își dorește o femeie puternica (yang ) isi dorește si o femeie, pe care sa o cucerească in fiecare clipa langa el (yin), excesele in orice direcție atrag parteneri nefericiți sau tristi. Cele care sunteți puternice in societate, este bine sa va manifestați acolo atributele, dar in relație/casa, sa păstrati raportul yin, yang.

With the hope that I have been understood, or at least provoked some thoughts, I embrace you with good intentions. If you know someone who might need these words, please share them.

Photo source: the internet

With love,

Nicoleta Ghiris


